- The Swiss Circle promotes the cultivation of Swiss culture and social activities. It is politically and denominationally neutral.
- The Swiss Circle strives to promote the interests of the Swiss in Sri Lanka and their relations with their homeland. It works with the Swiss Embassy and the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) in Bern.
- The Swiss Circle offers support and guidance to compatriots and their families who are in need and helps them to the extent possible.
- Membership is available to Swiss citizens residing in Sri Lanka. However, non-Swiss nationals who have a particularly close connection to Switzerland (e.g. descent, family ties, etc.) can also be admitted as per the Committee’s discretion.
- Types of membership
- Ordinary Members must be at least 18 years old.
- Honorary Life Members have accumulated a reasonable amount of membership years and have displayed extraordinary services to the Swiss Circle.
A recommendation for Honorary Life Membership shall require a Proposer and Seconder. Recommendations may be submitted to the Hon. Secretary in writing no less than two months prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Hon. Secretary shall include such recommendations in the agenda to be tabled during the AGM, if such recommendations are approved by the Committee. - Corporate Members may be entities/organisations that contribute to the purpose of the Swiss Circle in any way. Corporate Members may be represented at all meetings of the Swiss Circle by one nominee with no voting rights. Corporate Members shall be selected and approved by the Committee at its discretion.
Admission – Exit – Exclusion
- Applications for membership shall be made to the Hon. Secretary. The Committee reserves the right to approve or deny admission.
- Resignation takes place by written notification to the Hon. Secretary and payment of any debts to the Swiss Circle.
- The Committee reserves the right to exclude members who do not fulfil their obligations or whose behaviour is derogatory and damages the reputation of the Swiss Circle. Any rights of the Swiss Circle towards the excluded member remain.
- Those affected by rejection or exclusion have the right to appeal to the AGM.
- Membership Fee
- There shall be no joining fee.
- The annual membership fee shall be determined at the AGM.
- The membership fee of Ordinary Members shall include their spouse and children under 18 years.
- The Swiss Circle is managed by the Committee, which is made up as follows:
President | Hon. Secretary | Up to 3 additional members |
Vice-President | Hon. Treasurer |
- Any two (2) members of the Swiss Circle may nominate one (1) or more candidates to be elected to the committee, having previously obtained the consent of the candidate(s) concerned. The names of candidates shall be sent in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least ten (10) days before the date of the AGM.
- The term of office is one year. If a member of the Committee resigns prematurely, the Committee can renew and supplement itself.
- The Committee takes care of the day-to-day business of the association and decides with a simple majority. The President holds the casting vote.
- The presence of three (3) Committee Members is necessary for a resolution to be passed.
- For any decision involving assets, the signatures of the President and a member of the Committee are required.
- The financial year shall begin on the 1st of January and end on the 31st December of each year.
Annual General Meeting
- The AGM shall be held no later than three (3) months after the close of the financial year, by giving 14 days’ notice to the membership, including the financial statements and minutes of the previous AGM.
- The AGM is chaired by the President, whom failing the Vice-President, whom failing a Chairman shall be elected by the members present.
- The members present shall form a Quorum.
- The AGM elects the Committee and the auditor and ratifies the financial statement and the Hon. Secretary’s report.
- Votes are conducted by show of hands unless the majority of members present request a secret ballot.
- Resolutions are passed with a simple majority, except in the case of dissolution of the Swiss Circle which requires a 3/4 majority. The President holds the casting vote.
- One family can cast one vote.
- Motions to revise the statutes and requests for resignation from the Committee must be submitted to the Hon. Secretary at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the AGM.
- The Committee reserves the right to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), by sending the invitation with the agenda to the members at least one (1) month in advance.
An EGM must be convened by the Committee if at least ten (10) members request this in writing, stating the reasons for such a meeting. In this case, the EGM must be carried out no later than thirty (30) days after submission of the request.
- The Swiss Circle can be dissolved by a 3/4 majority decision at an AGM or EGM which requires a 2/3 attendance or more to attain the Quorum. Those present at the meeting shall decide how the monies lying at its credit should be distributed.
- If 2/3 of the members are not present, another AGM / EGM must be called for within ten (10) days’ time where the Quorum will be 1/10 of the members, in which the simple majority decides.
- This Constitution may be amended at an AGM or EGM. Any change to the constitution requires written notice to be sent to each member ten (10) days before the meeting and having 2/3 of the votes support the change.
- Indemnity to the Committee
- It is expressly declared and understood that the Committee as a body and each committee member as an individual shall at all times be indemnified from and out of the funds, property and assets of the Swiss Circle against the consequences of any act, deed, matter or thing done or to be done by the Committee members bona fide in respect of or in connection with the business of the Swiss Circle or any contract entered into on behalf of the Swiss Circle
Colombo, 3rd March 2023
The President | Marina Fernando |
The Hon. Secretary | Emil Saladin |